Removal Europe and Logistics Ltd


3– 2 months before your move

  • Book time off work for before and after your move
  • Ask your employer if they offer relocation assistance
  • Look for a new school and transfer your children’s records
  • Start decluttering – go through each room one by one and identify items to sell, donate, or throw away
  • Create a folder with important documents – company quotations, contact information, contracts, significant dates, etc.
  • Check your life and home insurance policies to make sure you are covered

8 – 5 weeks before your move

  • Contact us to arrange removal date and services required
  • Arrange for a home survey
  • Gather packing materials from us or from alternative sources
  • Make a complete inventory of your belongings
  • Begin packing, working room by room – start with items that are not immediately necessary
  • Check for parking restrictions in the area of your current home and new home. Apply for parking permits, suspensions, or dispensations
  • If you are renting, inform your landlord of your moving date

1 month before your move

  • Make arrangements for childcare and pet care during your moving day
  • Start emptying your fridge, freezer, and cupboards strategically – create a meal plan
  • Confirm the moving day with us
  • Inform people such, as utility companies, banks, friends, and family of your move
  • Register to vote and property tax in your new area
  • Clean your home or hire professional cleaners

4-2 weeks before your move

  • Cancel or transfer certain services such as television, telephone, and internet to avoid extra charges
  • Look at potential new utility providers at your new home for better deals
  • Pay outstanding bills
  • Redirect your post
  • Continue packing as much as possible – don’t be afraid to ask friends and family for help
  • Return any items you have borrowed

1 week before your move

  • Confirm the final details of the moving day with us
  • Create a list of boxes corresponding with rooms – match via colour labelling your boxes
  • Clean and defrost your fridge and freezer
  • Do as much laundry as possible
  • Arrange a time to collect the keys to your new home with your estate agent
  • Pack your most important documents in a safe, accessible place – This includes passports, driving licenses, birth certificates, and insurance papers
  • Pack an essentials box for your first few days at your new home

1 day before your move

  • Take a thorough walk around your house – take your time and check all areas
  • Pack a few lunchboxes for when you get hungry during your moving day
  • Pack a box with tools you need to unpack such as box cutters, scissors, and pens
  • Make sure your phone is fully charged
  • Get a good night’s sleep to be in the best shape for your big day
  • Create an information packet for the new owners – include instructions for appliances, contact information for utility companies, rubbish collection schedule, etc.

On your moving day

  • Strip your beds and pack your linen in clearly-marked boxes
  • Record your meter readings to ensure that you are not charged for usage that is not yours
  • Be present when the movers arrive
  • Take one last look around your house for forgotten items and to make sure all appliances are switched off
  • Give your movers emergency contact information and make sure they know the location of your new home

Once you are in your new home

  • When the movers deliver your valuables, check for damage
  • Open up your moving tool box and essentials box
  • Start unpacking your belongings, starting with items you immediately need.
  • Take note of the utility meter readings in your new home
  • Make sure all keys to your property work properly
  • Plug in all appliances and electronics
  • Make your beds so that you can quickly go to sleep on your first night
  • Check that the hot water and heating in your new home is working – it’s incredibly important to have a hot shower after your busy day
  • Introduce your children and pets to their new home

Days after you have moved in

  • Replace the locks
  • Involve your children in organising their rooms
  • Meet the neighbours
  • Take your time unpacking
  • Explore your new area

Relax and enjoy your new home!